Money for old mixtapes

Friday 20 May 2011

Sounds of Noise.

As mentioned, we're interested in all sides of the music industry, from the artists/PR/management/sound engineers and we want to get right in there and get the feel of being in all of those shoes.

So todays interview is with a Sound Engineer, Michael, who agreed to give us a little insight into his day job; enjoy. 

What exactly is your job? 
I am a sound engineer for a company that hires sound systems, dj equipment, staging and lighting to both the public and to companies for large events.

What does an average shift entail? 
There is no such thing as an average shift! It could be anything from prepping all day for the weeks jobs, delivering and collecting equipment or setting up equipment for a rave in a car park.

Have you always wanted to work in sound/the music industry?
I have always been interested in doing something "backstage", either lighting, sound etc, but since getting into playing music a few years ago, my attention turned to sound.

How did you learn how to do it? 
I leant the basics of mics and sound theory from recording my band and reading articles on the internet etc but I only really started learning when I started the job and learnt by just getting practical experience.

How did you get into it? 
Like I said before, I got interested in the industry after getting into playing music, going to gigs and recording my band. I was unemployed for ages after leaving school and to keep my jobseekers allowance was required to do work experience. The company I'm with now was the first I contacted and they agreed to take me on to help out in the warehouse. I did work experience for about 5 months and then started working for them.

I've seen that you've worked with some big names, who has been the highlight for you? 
I'm more into doing bands than the club stuff, and even though we have worked for some big DJ's, my highlights would have to be Delphic, The Vaccines and Jarvis Cocker.

Any tips for people wanting to get into the business??
Don't be too cocky, just because you've operated the mixing desk for a school play, doesnt mean you could mix The Who! At the same time try to have some confidence and get as much practice as possible.

So there you go, the life of a sound engineer! 
Interesting, no?!

Amie x

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